If you’re new to our church we will not embarrass you, single you out, or ask you to give money. We understand that trying anything new can be a little intimidating at first. We encourage you to be yourself and enjoy the day.

Where are you located?
God is moving in Lafayette, LA and so are we!
Find us at our new location at:
200 Southcity Parkway, Lafayette LA 70503
Sundays @ 9:00am & 10:45am
Find us at our new location at:
200 Southcity Parkway, Lafayette LA 70503
Sundays @ 9:00am & 10:45am

What are your services like?
Experience powerful worship, relevant Bible-teaching, and a welcoming atmosphere. Our services are typically an hour and ten minutes long. Come and be refreshed!

What about my kids?
We have a passion for healthy families, and that means your children are a top priority. Our nurseries are clean, safe, and staffed with loving workers. We offer a dynamic children’s ministry called Pathway Kids that seeks to engage kids and equip families.

What do I wear?
You’ll find everything from casual clothes to business suits at our weekend service. Come in what is comfortable for you because Pathway Church is not about what you look like, or what you wear.

How Can I Meet Others & Get Connected?
The best place to start is by attending our Next Steps Growth Track class where you’ll meet church leadership, learn more about the heartbeat of Pathway Church, and how to grow in your faith.

How can I be Discipled & Grow?
Small Groups are the best way to grow. We have new semesters starting in the Spring, Summer, and Fall. Visit our Small Groups page for more info.