Our Passion
We Are Life-Giving
God is a Filler, not a Forcer. We believe church should be a place filled with laughter, hope, and a way forward. Our goal is that coming together becomes the highlight of your week, and your experience feels like a breath of fresh air.
We Are Community
God is relational, and so are each of us. We’re all looking for our place and our part to play. In today’s world, we believe true community is revolutionary, and one of the best gifts we could give each other.
We Are Ridiculously Generous
God is a Giver. In fact, He’s given us all something to offer. As a church we do everything we can to give what we have away.
We Are On Mission
God is on a mission to reclaim humanity. We are passionate about reaching people and making a difference no matter the cost. We believe the local church mobilized is the hope of the world. We don’t exist for ourselves, but to serve God’s purpose in our generation.
Our Purpose
We exist to lead people on a spiritual journey to become fully alive in Christ.
know god
More than anything else we hope you meet Jesus and fall more in love with Him. Jesus is not a religion or another church to join. He is the one relationship that changes everything. (Colossians 1:15-20).
find freedom
Everyone needs a family-a home and a place to belong. The Bible says that God, as loving Father, specializes in connecting lonely people to families (Psalms 68:5-6). Family is a place to connect, a place to protect, and a place to grow. It’s also a place where you can be yourself, knowing you’re always loved and accepted. We believe church should be a family, and the place you make your very best friends (1 Thessalonians 2:8).
discover purpose
There is a God-dream within each one of us. It’s the part of us that wants do something that matters, something we know we were made for (Ephesians 2:10). This means learning to trust what God says about who we are in Him, and learning to think like He thinks (Ephesians 1:3-10; Romans 12:2). One of our main goals as a church is to connect you to your purpose because we believe there is a ton of untapped potential in you waiting to be unleashed (Ephesians 4:11-13).
change the world
Jesus said that disciples are to be like salt and light to the world in which they live (Matthew 5:13-16). In other words, our lives should have unmistakable impact. Many people want to run the world, control the world, hold power in this world, but to really change the world you have to give yourself away (John 12:24-26). That’s why we believe the church is at its best and most like Jesus when it gives itself away. Our hope for you is that you experience the joy and reward of knowing you’re living out a purpose that far outweighs everything else.
Our Plan
"...David had served God's purposes in his own generation..." Acts 13:36
Serving God’s purposes in our generation means fulfilling Jesus’ commission. This has always involved four steps in the spiritual journey God has for us, and everything we do as a church centers around these four steps to help empower people to live a Great-Commission life.

Weekend Services that Reach People
Jesus was enjoyable, relevant, and powerful. We think church should be too. We want to be a place where people are loved, accepted, encouraged, and challenged to grow spiritually.

Small Groups that Care For People
We've been created for relationships, and we all need a family. In times of need and times of fun, small groups are a source of friendship and support. They are key to our spiritual growth.

Next Steps that Develop People
Next Steps is your pathway towards discovering your purpose. It will allow you to get to know church leadership, connect in a more meaningful way, and begin the journey of becoming fully alive.

Teams that Mobilize People
We were not only created on purpose, we were created for a purpose. Our Serve Teams help people connect their passions with God’s purpose. And when we do everything changes.